At “the Manna” Tsatsaronakis family, we want to offer more than our high quality, delicious products. We want to give back to society through substantive initiatives within the framework of our Corporate Social Responsibility.
Our actions and initiatives
The Tsatsaronakis Cultural Centre
The Tsatsaronakis Cultural Centre represents a noble donation from the Tsatsaronakis family, which entirely financed its erection and equipment. It is a multipurpose building donated to the Holy Metropolis of Kissamos & Selinos, and was inaugurated in the presence of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in September 2012. The “Tsatsaronakis” Cultural Centre is non-profit making (Government Gazette 386/Β/14-3-2011) and is a private legal entity.
Located in the centre of Kissamos, the building covers an area of over 2,500 square metres and includes well-equipped events venues for holding large conferences, lectures, seminars, hospitality, etc. There are daily events, as well as various workshops/groups: computer skills, hagiography, psalmist groups, tutorial groups, drama groups, a conservatory, parent school, youth meetings.
Since its inception, it has played an important role in the activities of the Municipality of Kissamos and throughout Western Crete through initiatives and services that are mainly oriented towards education, culture, scientific research and social welfare. It employs about 45 employees, while at least 400 people benefit from its events/workshops on a weekly basis.
The Tsatsaronakis family pledges to continue to take care of and support the Multicentre for whatever need may arise.
Discover the Centre:
The Conservatory (Government Gazette 65/Β/4-2-1998) is recognized by the State and operates in specially designed areas in the Centre under the direction of an experienced and acclaimed Artistic Director. The following Schools operate as part of the Conservatory: (1) Byzantine Music, (2) Choirs – Traditional, – Advanced, – Children’s (over 100 participants in the Kissamos, Paleohora, Kolimvari choirs) (3) Classic & Modern Music (Piano, Classical Guitar, Classical Violin, Organ), (4) Folk & Traditional Music (Violin, Lyre, Lute, Bouzouki, Oud) and Musical Education for young children. There are over 250 students, all teachers are graduates, while the Conservatory’s degrees/diplomas are recognized by the Ministry of Culture.
Education & Training Centre
In collaboration with certified bodies and the Frederick University, Nicosia, the Centre offers long distance postgraduate studies in Economics and Business Administration, Humanities and Social Sciences and Education. Postgraduate courses are recognized in Greece by NARIC. Examinations and lessons take place at the Centre while other training seminars are held for many social groups, such as traders, hotel staff, farmers and teachers.
Computer Learning and Certification
Computer learning courses are organized at the fully equipped IT Laboratory. Upon completion of the courses, it is possible to obtain recognized diplomas from ASEP through the examinations that take place in the hall certified by the EOPEP. In total, about 100 diplomas have been awarded.
Tutorial Groups
For the sixth year, small tutorial groups have been organised for Gymnasium and Lyceum students. In our call to the wider educational community for volunteering to help us with this important endeavour, there has been a touching response from many teachers and various specialists who have volunteered to support this important effort.
Drama Group
The Centre’s “Actors for a Saturday” Drama Group consists of twenty school age children. The group is supported by local volunteer teachers under the direction of the well-known director and actor Dimitris Kalogerakis. The theatrical plays that have taken place in chronological order include: (1) King Lear, (2) Medea, (3) The Bakalogatos, (4) Fourtounakides & Vrontakides, (5) O Topikos Paragon 6) “The Card Player”
Hagiography School
The Hagiography School, which is housed in a specially designed Hagiography Workshop began in 2012 under the direction of the experienced and renowned hagiographer Konstantina Stefanaki, who collaborates with the Orthodox Academy of Crete.
Psalmist Workshop
This workshop for Church and Artistic Psalmist music led by Em. Rukoudis also informs, organizes and participates at events in order to preserve and attract others to this rare art.
Children’s Groups
In wishing to build bridges of communication within society with local children, we continued organising children’s groups: Children aged 5 to 10 years meet every Saturday afternoon and with the help and assistance of volunteer teachers from our region, can participate in creative play, entertainment, sports, and exercises aimed at improving cooperation and initiative development.
The Cultural Centre plays an important social role in our province through organising educational, social and cultural activities, as well as talks that are aimed at raising awareness, education and mobilizing on key social issues and other issues. The Centre has hosted over eighty events and has also co-organized hundreds of workshops, events or other events in cooperation with the Region, the Municipality and other Associations. Indicatively, we mention a few below:
- Events hosting the Greek Orthodox Church
- International Scientific Conference on Kissamos
- Chess tournament and Chess Championships – Western Crete.
- Training seminars for Young Farmers
- Three-day initiative about Road Conduct – Police Directorate of Chania
- A talk about strokes and heart diseases by Dr. Kremastinos, Dr. Theodorakis
- Workshop on the fight against drugs – Drug Enforcement Department of Chania
- Internet Security event – Manolis Sfakianakis
- Speech by child psychologist Achilles Prokopiou
- Memorial events for the fall of Constantinople, Asia Minor catastrophe, etc.
- Five Day Children’s Book Events
- Concerts performed by the Conservatory’s numerous Choirs and students learning traditional and classical instruments